Maretta's Fan Club

Maretta's name means "star of the sea" or "pearl." Water themes have followed her since the day she was born at 24 weeks "en caul"... meaning in her bag of waters. We had been concerned all day leading up to her birth that the bag would rupture. Prematurity comes with a ton of risks, it is nothing short of a miracle with everything we went through that day that her waters remained intact until she was out in the world.

How appropriate that our favorite month of the summer has turned out to be July... "water month" for our family. We make a very specific effort to enjoy as much water play and activity as we can during that month including trips to Kohler-Andrae's beaches, our nearest big water playground, trips to small water beaches in our area, splash pads, and at home water play.

One of Maretta's favorite activities to do has been watercoloring at the water every chance we get. This year she created quite a gallery of paintings. One of which will be featured on this year’s installment of Maretta merch.

As always, the proceeds from your purchases will help us continue to provide support to families on the NICU journey and beyond. This happens in many ways and extends far beyond NICU needs, but the primary way is through the Pearl Package Project which began in July of 2018 when Maretta celebrated her milestone 1st birthday.

Thank you for continuing to support our efforts. We are excited to have the opportunity to help whoever God brings into our lives as we press forward on this grand adventure.